02 June 2011


Posted by Unknown at 6/02/2011
Bit serious on this on, I want to share a bit bout Zakat.. and don't worry this isn't my opinion. I was typed by another articles by..cz This is IMPORTANT!!

Zakat (Zakah) or "alms giving", one of the Five Pillars of Islam, is the giving of 2,5 % of one's possessions (surplus wealth) to charity, generally to the poor and needy.
 it is often compared to the system of things and alms, but it serves principally as the welfare contribution to poor and deprived Muslims.  It is the duty of an Islamic Community not just to collect zakat but to distribute it fairly as well.
based on yours
and this is the percentage, it is small isn't??? 2,5 % oh deaar common!! 

In European history, the Muslim administrations of Spain (Al- Andalus) collected Zakat from large land owners in the form of land, and redistributed this land directly amongst the poor farmers. This helped greatly to reduce rural poverty and increase agriculture. it resulted in a rapid growth of the population and it made islam the faith of choice for many spain's poor. Likely this social and economic success of zakat was perceived as a threat to Europe's feudal and papal economy, which was heavily based on exploiting and monopolies, and much less successful in creating wealth. Also in Persia's early Islamic History, Zakat on land property helped to achieve great social and economic progress.
Zakat is different from sadaqoh (plural, sadaqat). Where Zakat exclusively involves the sharing of one's material &financial wealth to help others, sadaqat in addition to that, can also involve the sharing of happiness among God Creation, such as saying kind words, smiling at someone, taking care of animals or the envoronment, etc. Unlike Zakat, sadaqah is not obligatory.
Zakat and sadaqah acts of worship undertaken as a means of spiritual purification, as it can absolve a Muslim of some of their sins. it is the only tax sanctioned to the state according to Islamic law sharia.
Muslim Jurits agree that zakat was and is obligatory on the Muslim who has reached puberty, who is sane, who is free, and who owns the minimum assigned nisab, throughout Islamic history; denying Zakat equals denying the islamic faith. However, Muslim Jurits differ on the details of zakat, which may include rate, the exemptions, the kinds of wealth thet are zakatable. Zakatable refers to assets subject to zakat according to islamic examples and directives. Some scholars consider the wealth of children and insane individuals zakatable. Some scholar consider all agricultural product zakatable, others restrict zakat to specific kinds only. Some consider debts zakatable. Similar differences exist for business assets and women's jewellery. Some require certain minimum nisab for zakatability. The same kind of differences also exist about disbursement of zakat.
Looked at those kids :((((((((((((

The Qur'am does not provide the definition of zakatable wealth nor does it prifide the required percentages in zakat. It is left to sunnah to give, by example or by directives. It must be realized, however, that the Qur'an mentions a few kind of zakatable possessions, such as gold and silver, crops and fruits, earning of trade and other business enterprises and what is drawn from beneath the earth (natural resources).
Muslims fulfil this religious obligation by giving a fixed percentage of their surplus wealth. Zakat has been paired with such a high sense of righteousness that it is often placed on the same level of importance as offering salat. Muslims see this process also safeguarding future business. In Addition, Zakat purifies the person who receives it because it saves him from the humiliation of begging and prevents him from envying the rich. Its importance and centrality to Islam results in the "punishment"  for not paying when able being very severe. In the 2nd edition of the encyclopedia of Islam it states,"... the prayes of those who do not pay zakat will not be accepted.

As an Indonesian, bit sad for me cz as A Majority of muslim in the world, Indonesia citizen was low at considered to pay Zakat. Meanwhile if all Muslim in Indonesia could pay Zakat properly it will erased Poverty year to year. I just want you to know that by paying Zakat, it wouldn't make you poor otherwise it will make yours full of barakah.

Pay ZAKAT then u'll get your smile back :)
ZAKAT 'll purified not only your money, but also your life... :)

www.rumahzakat.org   ----> House Of Zakat


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